Curasept ADS | DNA 220 Intensive Treatment Mouthwash





  • CHLOHEXIDINE 0.20% with ADS, DNA, PVP-VA copolymer.
  • Alcohol-free.
  • SLS free.

Format: 200ml


CHX acts on the etiological factors of gingivitis and periodontal disease, with bactericidal and disintegrating effects of the Biofilm.

ADN acts as cellular bioactivator with a double action:- anti-inflammatory activity- tissue repair stimulation.It also counteracts the irritating effect on gingival tissuesdue to the prolonged use of Chlorhexidine

Main uses:

  • Treatment of gum and oral cavity inflammation.
  • FAST antiplaque and antibacterial action.
  • PVP-VA Protective film.
  • Regenerative effect on oral mucosa.


  • Ideal before and after dental treatment to prevent inflammation of the oral cavity .
  • Rapid anti-plaque and antibacterial action .
  • Particularly suitable for wearers of prostheses, implants and orthodontic appliances

Mode of use:

  • Rinse your mouth for at least 30 seconds with 10ml of undiluted product, preferably after normal oral hygiene.
  • Continue the application for about a week and, if necessary, prolong the treatment.